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which visual effects school
Digital Media training is a big and important investment. You’re seeking the best animation school, or the best visual effects school you can afford. If you are seeking a career in the industry there is no better way to get in, provided you find the school that is right for you; the one that can meet your training goals. No matter where you go you are looking at a significant expenditure, not only for your animation training but for living expenses during your training time. It is important that you find the school that is right for you and not waste money and time on introductory, inappropriate or incomplete training. Here are some tips that might help you make up your mind:

1. Be skeptical! Don’t believe what a professional recruiter tells you. Be deliberate about searching for reasons an animation or vfx school is NOT for you. Most people fall in love with the hype and marketing from a school then search for reasons to support the emotional decision they have already made. Unfortunately this often blinds candidates from the reality that most digital media programs can not provide the skills needed to get a job. You are investing a huge amount of money. Make sure you will get real training, not just software classes. Make them prove it to you.

2. Don’t pay attention to advertising including this document. It’s all propaganda. Do your own research, make your OWN decisions. It’s important! Every school is going to show you what they think will impress you. They’ll tell you some statistics, show you some glossy brochures and probably show you a carefully selected edit of student work. The only way to discover the real quality of the school is to find out what their real professional job placement numbers are and to view the work from ALL of their students. Schools that only show selected student work are not giving you the whole story. When they give you official placement numbers, ask how many of those are now or have been teaching assistants or other (janitorial, security) employees at their school. Many schools hire their own graduates to improve their placement numbers, which is pretty cheeky, we think.

3. Don’t listen to claims of “Best School In The World” or “School of the Year”. In order for a school to legitimately make this claim, they will have had to compete against every other school in the world and been judged by an impartial, professional judging panel. This has never happened. Claims like this actually come from small competitions against a handful of other schools/students which means the results are valid only within the context of competition with those specific schools/students, not relative to all the other schools in the world. One of the bigger private schools in Vancouver constantly claims to be best school in the world, even though they competed against only 0.2% of the other schools in the world. The claim may sound impressive, but it really isn’t. In fact, they know they are bending the truth into a pretzel to attract you. What expectations do you have of a school that begins a training relationship in this way?

4. Just because it’s a fancy University doesn’t mean it provides better (or even good) training. In fact, most universities provide some of the least useful animation and vfx training on the planet. Very few degree holders find employment. As industry professionals, we have found that academic education, while great for exploring ideas, concepts and philosophy, is a very poor method for delivering professional skills. Universities are so buried in academic process and bureaucracy that they have difficulty seeing the needs of the world beyond the ivory towers. Universities are all about the credential, not skills. The fact is that a potential employer couldn’t care less if you have a Ph.D. if you can’t do the job.

5. See if you can speak directly to a current student or recent graduate to hear first-hand what the training is like. Speak to more than one if possible. Many would be ideal. See if the school will let you sit in on a class where you can observe the training and speak privately with whichever students you wish. If the school will not voluntarily permit you to speak with students and grads or attend a class, it is reason to become cautious.

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